Boland Family

Boland Family
August 8, 2009

Boland Family Calendar- Please sign in to blog to post important family dates!

Boland Family Web Site

Welcome! We hope you enjoy our web site!! Click on pictures to enlarge them!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Marie Siobhan and Neil and Christmas Tree

This is our Christmas tree this year! Note Bermuda decoration at my right shoulder....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This picture is Rosie with her new ballet tutu finery from her Oma and Gramps for Hanukkah. Hope you like it!
Here's our Christmas tree. We had a little sledding party here on Gaudete Sunday with our friends the Towne family, then went to Hurd's Family Farm in Clintondale to cut down the tree.

And here are Dave and Max with the tree in its natural state, before we killed it for Christmas ;-)
Hope you are all having a joyous and blessed Advent in preparation for a Holy Christmas!
O King of nations, and their Desired, the Cornerstone who makes all one: come and save our race, whom you formed out of clay. (traditional "O" antiphon for the octave before Christmas)

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Entry for Daddio

This is Daddio's first blog entry...we went to a Penance Service this eve where mom sang contemplative hymns during confessions...very moving...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Swim team here. I can't wait to see you guys. Christmas tree went up a few days ago. :) How much snow does everyone have where they live right now? I don't have any!! I can remember last year....

Camera Pics

Hi All!
Some pictures below taken from the table cameras...wish I could find at least one of everyone...
Love you all!
Marie Siobhan



And more!

More pics

Camera wedding pics

Hey! We finally developed the cameras and I'm posting some of the ones that came out. Most of them were not so good, without flash or of random statues or the backs of heads. Apparently some of the younger guests thought those would make good photos...