Boland Family

Boland Family
August 8, 2009

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Splashing!

Little Poo taking her nightly bath! By now she has graduated to the big bathtub, I just haven't gotten around to posting lately...

Catch me if you can!

I chase her around saying, "I'm going to get you!" and she always gets away! Sometimes she crawls right over to me and hugs me, though...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Liam's First Holy Communion

 Liam looking rather handsome on his first holy Communion day. Congratulations!!

Flooding at Schroon Lake!

 These pictures show the high water on our lakefront. INSANE!!

Easter Pics at Nana and Papa's

 These were actually taken the day before Easter. We had a lovely visit, and Maureen spread love everywhere. Thank you Nana and Papa for hosting such a wonderful day!